The Ultimate Guide for Carrot farming (2025)
Carrot is an important root crop cultivated throughout the world for its fleshy edible roots. Carrot farming is done in the spring, summer, and autumn in temperate climate countries and …
Carrot is an important root crop cultivated throughout the world for its fleshy edible roots. Carrot farming is done in the spring, summer, and autumn in temperate climate countries and …
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an important bulb crop grown and used as a spice or a condiment throughout India. It is also an important foreign exchange gaining crop for India. …
Lettuce is the most popular of the salad crops and is of great commercial importance; first-time Lettuce cultivated in ancient Egypt. Earlier, Europe and North America were the leading producers …
Cauliflower is one of the most important winter vegetables grow in India. It is a European origin, probably develop from broccoli. In India, cauliflower farming is done in almost all …
Bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae Ait.) is an evergreen perennial herbaceous plant and grown in the regions having a moderate subtropical climate. The brilliant colours and unusual appearance of the …
Tomato is grown practically in every country of the world in outdoor fields, greenhouses, and net houses. The leading tomato producing countries in the world are China, India, USA, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, …
Anthurium is a tropical ornamental plant, and Anthurium is cultivated for its colourful, long-lasting flowers or attractive foliage. They have gained importance as major cut flowers of the modern world. …
Broccoli is an exotic vegetable. Broccoli farming is a good source of income because only a few farmers know how to grow broccoli and its marketing knowledge. It is crispy …
Today you learn about Commercial Mushroom Cultivation: Mushroom cultivation is one of the most significant agriculture business in the world. Mushroom Cultivation History The first mushroom, ” Auricularia auricula,” was cultivated …
Carnations are great for cut flowers. Due to its excellent keeping quality, a wide range of varieties selection, and Carnations can withstand long-distance during transport qualities farmer attract towards Carnation …