Gerbera cultivation economics in 2025

Gerbera cultivation area in India is increasing day by day due to its increasing market demand.  To Gerbera, cultivation required Massive investment for construct polyhouse, raw materials, equipment hence, before starting Gerbera cultivation, we must understand Gerbera cultivation economics.

In this post, you find all in detail how much initial investment cost is required, working capital & net return from Gerbera cultivation. We collected all data from the gerbera grower framer.

Gerbera flower comes in a wide range of colors; in gerbera flower, more than 100 different colours are available. Gerbera flower is very attractive and will be fresh for a long time.

The freshness and long-lasting characteristics of this flower are made to use it in the form of parties, wedding functions,  flower arrangements, and flowers bouquet in the form of ornamental flowers. Commercial value in this flower market is high in India.

For Gerbera, cultivation required massive investment, but central government & state government provide a subsidy for prompting hi-tech farming. Different state has different subsidy percentage.  Bank offer loan to the total gerbera cultivation project cost

loan for gerbera cultivationGenerally, for 0.5 acres (2008 sq/meter), gerbera cultivation with polyhouse constriction cost will be approximate 22- 24 lace. The government gives subsidies 30% to 80% depends on which state you belong to.

Generally, in Gerbera, the farming time required for the breakeven point is 3- 4 years.

Gerbera plant is a perennial plant means gerbera lives for more than two years, expert gerbera grower takes production more than seven consecutive years from the same gerbera plantation.

If you want to learn more about the Gerbera cultivation process, read the Gerbera cultivation guide

Useful  website for subsidy-related information

National Horticultural Board 
National Horticulture Mission

Gerbera Cultivation Economics: 

Area of Polyhouse2008 square/meter 
Polyhouse ConstructionPolyhouse, as per NHB norms,
GI pipe structure & imported
plastic @ Rs. 750 / per Sq. meter.
Irrigation SystemDrip Irrigation system for plants
Misting system, Fertigation,
the unit, Water Filtration unit
Bed PreparationBed prepared
with Red Soil, Rice Husk,
FYM, Sand, etc.
PlantsPlant Density: 6 plants / sq. Mtr.
Total Plants: 12,000 Nos.
Cost of one Plant: Rs. 35 / plant
Total Investment 2,334,000
Working Capital
Electricity3.0 unit/day50,000
Water requirementApproximate per year50,000
FertilizersWater Soluble Fertilizers60,000
Labour3- 4 labours per day250,000
Crop ProtectionSpraying60,000
Packing Material,
Transport, Sales
Packing material, and
MiscellaneousMaintenance, Depreciation226,800
Subtotal 858,800
Returns Per Year
Yield / Plant / Year45540,000
Price per Flower in Rs.2.752.75
Total ReturnsPer Year1,485,000
Cost of CultivationPer Year858,800
Net ReturnPer Year626,200

Disclaimer: (The above calculations are indicative only.)

greenhouse training

Conclusion :

From Gerbera cultivation economics, we can say that farmers can earn approximately six lakhs per year from  0.5 Acre land that is almost fifty thousand per month.

From Gerbera cultivation, a farmer earns a profitable income & improves their lifestyle.

Amar Sawant is a Hi-tech farmer, professional Greenhouse consultant, and trainer. He works for more than nine years as an agri-entrepreneur.

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42 thoughts on “Gerbera cultivation economics in 2025”

  1. hi,
    i have a small land of 500 sq mtrs in coastal region of maharashtra. Can I setup a polyhouse for Gerbera cultivation?Will I get goverment subsidy?Do you provide end to end solution for the same?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. Dear Mr. Amar,
    By reading your Gerbera cultivation economics in 2018, I am very much impressed with it. Just in 0.5 Acre land we can get good returns, so please can you guide me, I am expecting to finish my 2008sqmt, poly house with open ventilation by end of these month (foundation material as arrived at site, just waiting for final payment and complete material). I want to do Gerbera cultivation, I want your help to guide me in from soil preparation to harvesting.
    My land is located in Kalburgi Dist (Gulbarga) Karnataka.

  3. I am from coimbatore tamil nadu I had 1.72acer land can I do polyhouse vegetables and how much us the project cost for 1acer

    • Hello Niksan
      for one acre total polyhouse project cost comes around 40-45 lac. but my advice if you wanted to start polyhouse farming then start form 10R- 20R
      ( 1008-2016 sq/meter)

  4. Hello, sir ,can I get the subsidy given by maharashtra state government for polyhouse construction on rented farm land near pune..??

    • Hello Kunal

      You get polyhouse subsidy on rental land but you have to create a long-term rental agreement ( 5- 10 years) on 100 RS stamp paper and this document is required to submit along with your polyhouse project report and other related documents.

        • Hello Kunal,
          Rent of land is change with the area to an area it also depends upon various factors like soil type, water source distance from the main road, there is no such rule but in western maharastara, it calculated on the basis of sugarcane crop income for one acre it is around 30-80 thousand.
          The rental land is not made so much effect on profit.

  5. Dear Amar,

    Thank you so much for taking your time and answering all questions so patiently. I have a question about marketing the crop. How do we market these flowers? Does the marketing cost included in the returns?

    Appreciate your response.

    • Hello Ramakishore
      Thanks, for greenhouse crop marketing, easy generally marketing is done with help on agent or broker they charge 10% commission on sales price.
      To get more view about the economics of greenhouse crop, please check our crop economic articles (dutch rose, Gerbera economic)

  6. Hi Amar Sawant,

    I am new to farming, actually am planning to set up greenhouse farming near to Hyderabad city.
    Please provide me the documents which helps me in understanding the farming with new ideas and taking right decisions.


    • Hello Jyothi,

      you can join our training program; here you learn step by step how to start a greenhouse farming, how to select crop and marketing procedure.
      to join our training program, you contact us on [email protected] or WhatsApp on 8788462787

        • Hello Priya,
          We provide an online training cum consultancy program for this program three days required for the complete WhatsApp course. After that, we provide one-year customer support and consultancy.

  7. Hi, I am from Chennai. I want to start a poly House. I want to do it in a small village 80 km from Chennai South. Can someone guide me on how to do it, or is there a consultant for the same? How much will be investment, land workforce, and is the Tamil Nadu government giving subsidy? Pl advise [email protected]

    • Hello Ravi,

      Please join our greenhouse training cum consultancy program here. We provide complete guidance on how to start greenhouse farming to its marketing. For more information, please contact us at 8788462787.

  8. hi sir
    My land is half acer in pune.i do polyhouse for orchid flower cultivation so ple..can you help me what document require and how to apply subside.

    • Hello sir,

      We provide complete guidance on how t too start polyhouse/greenhouse farming from polyhouse erection to marketing.

      We provide study material, project report, crop economic, photograph, subsidy guideline, season and off-season management tips and many more.

      This is an online training cum consultancy program so you can learn to form your place you don’t require any travelling.

      Also, we provide one-year customer support so you can call us or chat with us.
      This service is charge very minimal of INR 1000. For more details call or WhatsApp on 8788462787

  9. Dear sir

    Am looking to start gerbera flower plants as my business and I hv less land like 30 40 site place am planning to do business in that specified place please suggest me how to start up. Am waiting for ur reply

    Thank you

  10. hi sir, I want to cultivate gerbera in polyhouse for this how much cost we have to invest? and how much yeild we get in one year. How to claim polyhouse subsidy.

    • Hello mallinath,
      you get all details about how to start greenhouse farming, how to select best crop and variety according to climate and marketing perspective, how to apply subsidy, season management, and many more valuable information in our greenhouse training cum consultancy program. to join this training cum consultancy program please contact -8788462787

  11. Hi,
    I have a land in Shimla, approx 1 Acer.
    I want to start Floriculture on this land.

    Can you please help me with :

    1) Expected cost
    2) Ezpected returns
    3) What kind of Subsidies are available in Himachal -Shimla
    4) How much time will it take to start and when will returns strat.
    5) Where can we sell our end products
    6) Do we need to register some company for it.

    Will really appreciate your support.


    • Hello Harish,

      Thank for comment, please join our greenhouse training cum consultancy program you get complete information about greenhouse farming.
      for more details please contact 8788462787

  12. Sir this gomes from goa I want to start a Polly house farming in my home country goa but don’t kw whom to get idea to start this business please give some ideas

  13. Dear Amar,

    Thank you.
    Your Gerbera cultivation guide is indeed very useful.
    I have 1/2 acre of land near Badlapur, Maharashtra. Want to construct polyhouse for Gerbera farming. Can you please tell me how challenging is to sale the product in market.
    Also would like to know about your online course. Is this course interactive or recorded videos and for how many days?

    • Hello Shailesh,

      Join our greenhouse training cum consultancy program. Here we provide complete guidance on how to start polyhouse farming to its marketing, for more details, please contact – 8788462787

  14. Dear sir, I have a 2008sqmt polyhouse ready, I want to do gerbera flower farming, due to pandemic I need hold my plan in March. Now market is getting better and normal, please can you provide me a project report and costing I want apply for loan from SBI, branch manager required project report. ( FYI I need to bring red soil from 50km from my farm, as my land soil is much harder and difficult to raise soil beds please include soil and transport etc in the report.)
    I appreciate your help and support in advance. Thanks ?

  15. Hi sir,
    I’m from bangalore, karnataka, I want to do poly house for half acer how much it cost for old one and new much should be there in hand to start garbara flowers in polyhouse….what is subsidiary given for new one

  16. Hi, I want to start Gerbera flower cultivation in Nagpur. I want to know whether Nagpur is a suitable place to start Gerbera flower cultivation.


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