Strawberry Cultivation Step by Step Guide

Strawberry Cultivation

Strawberry plants required a medium range of temperature. In the Greenhouse, strawberry cultivation is a better option because the strawberry fruit’s quality and quantity are much better than outside strawberry cultivation.

In India, strawberries are cultivated in Mahabaleshwar, Ooty,  Idukki, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and India’s northeast state.

Mostly Strawberry crops are cultivated in the open field; Nowadays, Strawberry has been cultivated in the Greenhouse because the price of strawberries is high in the off-season. In the Greenhouse, Strawberry  Plants grow throughout the years.

Strawberry fruit is a rich source of vitamin ‘C, Iron, Potassium, and fiber.

Strawberry Cultivation

Soil Requirement For Strawberry Cultivation

Strawberry plant performs best in dry sandy soil. Heavy waterlogging soils are not suitable for strawberry cultivation.

Soil with a pH between 5.5 – 7 and EC below 0.7mS/cm is ideal for strawberry cultivation.

A two-row system on one raised bed is useful for strawberry cultivation.

  • Bed width: 60 cm
  • Pathway: 50 cm
  • Height: 45 cm

Basal Dose and F.Y.M

Basal dose & F.Y.M add at the time of bed preparation. This basal dose & F.Y.M improve soil structure & provide nutrients gradually.

  • F.Y.M. – Ten ton /acre
  • 18:46:00 (Di-Ammonium Phosphate – D.A.P.) 50 kg/acre
greenhouse training

Bed  Preparation



Mostly Mulching is used in Strawberry cultivation, and before plantation, mostly black and silver mulching paper is selected.

The main use of plastic mulching is to maintain soil temperature and protect the roots from cold injury.

Other advantages of mulching are it helps to reduce fruit decay, cleans fruits, soil moisture conservation, saves irrigation water, prevents weed growth and lowers soil temperature during hot weather, and protects flowers from frost.


Drip irrigation is used in strawberry cultivation. In the drip system, 1- 2 lateral lines of 16 mm, with dripper at every 30 cm and having the discharge of 2 or 4 liter/hour.

Maintaining optimum soil moisture level is necessary as Strawberry is a relatively shallow-rooted plant and highly susceptible to drought.


Strawberry cultivation season In India

MaharashtraAugust to November
North EastNovember to January
North IndiaSeptember to January
South IndiaJanuary and July

Plant Spacing

Two rows are planted at one-bed distance between 30 cm x 30 cm.

The total plant population per acre is 24,000 plants.


strawberry plant

Well, root developed plant is Select for planting. The selected plant will be planted on the bed while planting and taking care of the crown part of the plant.

This crown part should not contact the soil from 1/3 of the plants.

After that, irrigation of the bed using sprinkler & Maintained moisture on the bed.

Plant  Lifecycle

Strawberry Plant  Lifecycle

Strawberry plant total life 8 – 9 months. After planting, if the conditions are appropriate for the plant’s desired growth, the plant will start flowering approximately 35 – 40 after planting.

Fertigation for Strawberry Cultivation ( 500 square/meter)

20-50 days after plantation

12:61:00500gMonday, Wednesday & Friday
13:00:45500gTuesday, Thursday & Saturday

50-60 days after the plantation

19:19:19500gMonday, Wednesday & Friday
Calcium nitrate250gTuesday, Thursday & Saturday

60-100 days after plantation.

16:08:24500gMonday, Wednesday & Friday
00:00:50250gTuesday, Thursday & Saturday
Micronutrient12gOnce a week

Strawberry  Harvesting

strawberry cultivation

When Strawberry fruit got 50% -75%, the natural crimson colour starts harvesting. Harvesting Strawberry’s best time is in the morning. Strawberry harvested 3-4 times in the week.  Strawberry fruit is harvested in small trays or baskets.

Strawberry packaging

The average yield obtained if the plant management and climatic conditions are conducive is approximately 500 – 600 gm/ plant/season.

Amar Sawant is a Hi-tech farmer, professional Greenhouse consultant, and trainer. He works for more than nine years as an agri-entrepreneur.

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20 thoughts on “Strawberry Cultivation Step by Step Guide”

  1. Hi, I am interested in Strawberry farming in our Farm in Himachal Pradesh. Can you arrange the plant saplings and other help to us
    Contact at 9914055752

  2. I am interested in tissues culture of strawberry in uttar pradesh . Could you please provide me the details of variety suitable for tissue culture in Uttar Pradesh?


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